Enhancing Regulatory Compliance: AccelPay Notices and Other Features on a Brand’s Site

At AccelPay, our core commitment lies in ensuring seamless payment processing and order fulfillment for alcohol brands while rigorously adhering to the 3-tier system governing alcohol sales.

To bolster compliance and fortify brands against potential setbacks, AccelPay has instituted a set of Notices designed to enhance transparency on a brand's site:

  1. AccelPay Notice: A clear yet discreet notice integrated at every purchase point on the eCommerce platform.
  2. Compliance Blog Post: An article underscoring the brand's unwavering dedication to regulatory adherence.
  3. Refreshed Terms Policy: For heightened clarity and trust among  customers.

Purpose of these notices:

The Notice is designed to delineate the roles between a brand, AccelPay, and our licensed third-party retail partners within the 3-tier system. This clarifies to regulatory bodies that direct payment handling is not within the brand's purview, thus amplifying the compliance stance and reducing potential risks.

Notice Details: 

The Notice reads as: "All alcoholic beverage sales are made by licensed third-party retailers in the AccelPay network," supplemented with a hyperlink to the AccelPay site and updated terms.


This Notice text is in small font, and in-line with a brand’s aesthetics. It does not impede a brand’s site performance. The strategic placement, under ‘add to cart’ and ‘buy now’ buttons, within the checkout journey, and the site's footer, ensures compliance without compromise.

Rollout of these notices comes at no additional cost to brands who join the AccelPay platform. AccelPay’s technical team oversees the implementation of the Notices in conjunction with its platform integration.

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